I’ve decided that if I could purchase a signal jammer to the computer

I was wondering if you could help me out.

My girlfriend daughter keeps going on her pc all hrs of the night/morning. This is getting worse and it’s affecting r sleep. I’ve put a time line on parental Control but she starts going mad and having a go at her mum.

I’ve decided that if I could purchase a signal jammer to the computer when she looks the WiFi is all still on and it could be fault with WiFi I’m not going to tell my partner and hopefully this might be the way. Could you help out.

Kind Regards

1 thought on “I’ve decided that if I could purchase a signal jammer to the computer”

  1. As a parent myself, I understand the challenges of parenting.

    You can purchase this WIFI jammer:


    Special Note: If she is using the WIFI for internet access, it will be disrupted, and the WIFI will appear to be malfunctioning or unable to connect!

    Thank you!

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